1. What is the Monthly Part-time Job Report for?
Part-time work is an important source of income for students to support their life.
In Japan, international students are basically not allowed to work more than 28 hours per week, and exceeding this limit is a violation of the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act. Both the student and the school will be punished.
Whether the working hours of a part-time job are within the legal time limits or not will also affect the result of the visa extension process. Students who work part-time beyond the hours required by law may not be allowed to extend their visas and may have to return to their home country before graduating from school.
Therefore, it's necessary for students to report their part-time work to the school on a regular basis.
However, it is very difficult to manage even part-time job hours by yourself in unfamiliar Japan.
Have you ever had as below?
✓ The school asked you to submit the payroll of your part-time job, but you lost it
✓ The school asked you to handwrite your part-time job information on a paper format, but you lost it or forgot to check the necessary information to fill it before deadline.
✓ School asked you to stay in the classroom after class to fill out your part-time job information, but you are too busy to stay in the classroom and it feels like a burden...
With SpeedVisa, you can eliminate all of these burdens as above.
With SpeedVisa's monthly reporting feature, you can easily report your part-time work to your school.
2. What can I do with the Monthly Report feature (β version)?
You can do the following on the SpeedVisa screen;
<By the Student screen>
- Registration of employer information
- Enter and report the information of your Part-time job
3. Let's try using the Monthly Report!
See the following article to try to report!
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