Detail how you plan to cover the costs of one year of study (tuition and living expenses) in Japan.
Basic Info
- Costs for Study in Japan: Enter the total cost for one year of tuition and one month of living expenses. These amounts might already be pre-filled by your school; please check and adjust them if necessary using numerals.
- Payer Selection: Choose who will cover the costs you entered above. You can select multiple options. Upon selection, a form to enter detailed information will appear.
- Self-payment
- Payment by someone in Japan (e.g., family)
- Payment by someone outside Japan (e.g., family)
- Scholarship
- Other (e.g., student loans, part-time jobs in Japan) After entering the information, click the [Save and Continue] button to proceed.
Payment Allocation
- Cost Distribution: Set how much each payer will contribute towards the tuition and living expenses. Input these amounts using numerals. When the total allocations match the required amounts, a checkmark will turn green. Proceed to the next screen.
Detailed Info
- Click the pencil icon next to each item to enter more detailed information. Once all necessary information is completed, a green checkmark will appear.
Additional Instructions
- Employment Information: If you are not employed, you do not need to fill this section.
- Reason to Become a Financial Supporter and Payment Method: These fields are mandatory and will be reflected in the official sponsorship documentation.
- Example Entries:
- Reason to Become a Financial Supporter:
- Self-payment: "I am the applicant and have sufficient savings from previous employment to cover the expenses myself."
- Parental support: "I am the applicant's father and will cover the necessary costs to support my child’s dream."
- Payment Method:
- Tuition will be transferred to the designated school account by the deadline. Initial living expenses will be provided in cash upon arrival in Japan, with subsequent amounts transferred regularly to the student’s Japanese bank account.
- Reason to Become a Financial Supporter:
- Example Entries:
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